Pubblicazioni [47]
Autore: Giorgio Presti
▸Articoli su periodico
▸Contributi in volume
▸Atti a convegno pubblicati
▸Lavori divulgativi
▸Rapporti tecnici
▸Interventi a convegno non pubblicati
Articoli su periodico [16]▴top | |
[J16] | Fantini, D., Presti, G., Geronazzo, M., Bona, R., Privitera, A.G., Avanzini, F.: Co-immersion in Audio Augmented Virtuality: the Case Study of a Static and Approximated Late Reverberation Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pp. 1–11. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2023). ISSN: 1077-2626 |
[J15] | Presti, G.: The Bivariate Mixture Space: A Compact Spectral Representation of Bivariate Signals. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 71(7/8), pp. 481–491 (2023). ISSN: 0004-7554, 1549-4950 |
[J14] | Ahmetovic, D., Galimberti, G., Avanzini, F., Bernareggi, C., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Vasco, G., Mascetti, S.: Enhancing Screen Reader Intelligibility in Noisy Environments. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, pp. 1–10. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2023). ISSN: 2168-2291 |
[J13] | Ahmetovic, D., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Bernareggi, C., Ciardullo, M., Galimberti, G., Ludovico, L.A., Mascetti, S., Presti, G.: Sonification of Navigation Instructions for People with Visual Impairment. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 177, pp. 103057.1–103057.14. Elsevier (2023). ISSN: 1071-5819 |
[J12] | Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Celozzi, S., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: An Integrated System for the Acoustic Monitoring of Goat Farms. Ecological Informatics, vol. 75, pp. 102043–. Elsevier (2023). ISSN: 1574-9541 |
[J11] | Bianchi, D., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: A GPU-Oriented Application Programming Interface for Digital Audio Workstations. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33(8), pp. 1924–1938. IEEE (2022). ISSN: 1045-9219 (print), 1045-9219 (online) |
[J10] | Presti, G., Ahmetovic, D., Ducci, M., Bernareggi, C., Ludovico, L.A., Baratè, A., Avanzini, F., Mascetti, S.: Iterative Design of Sonification Techniques to Support People with Visual Impairments in Obstacle Avoidance. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, vol. 14(4), pp. 1–27. ACM (2021). ISSN: 1936-7228 (ISSN), 1936-7236 (E-ISSN) |
[J9] | Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Rizzi, A.: Audio Dynamics Automatic Equalization Inspired by Visual Perception. Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 80, pp. 11903–11915. Springer Nature, Heidelberg, Germany (2021). ISSN: 1380-7501 (print), 1573-7721 (electronic) |
[J8] | Prato-Previde, E., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Ingraffia, S., Battini, M., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Ntalampiras, S., Mattiello, S.: What’s in a Meow? A Study on Human Classification and Interpretation of Domestic Cat Vocalizations. Animals, vol. 10(12), pp. 2390.1–2390.18. MDPI (2020). ISSN: 2076-2615 |
[J7] | Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Prato-Previde, E., Battini, M., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Mattiello, S.: Automatic Classification of Cat Vocalizations Emitted in Different Contexts. Animals, vol. 9(8), pp. 543.1–543.14. MDPI (2019). ISSN: 2076-2615 |
[J6] | Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: Investigating Interpretative Models in Music through Multi-Layer Representation Formats. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, vol. 12(1), pp. 95–111. Intellect Ltd (2019). ISSN: 1752-7066 (print), 1752-7074 (online) |
[J5] | Caccia, M., Presti, G., Toraldo, A., Radaelli, A., Ludovico, L.A., Ogliari, A., Lorusso, M.L.: Pitch as the Main Determiner of Italian Lexical Stress Perception Across the Lifespan: Evidence From Typical Development and Dyslexia. Karipidis, I.I. (ed.) Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, pp. 1–16. Frontiers Media S.A. (2019). ISSN: 1664-1078 |
[J4] | Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G.: Sound and Music Computing in Higher Education. International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art, vol. 1(1), pp. 24–30. Studio Musica Press (2019). ISSN: 2612-2146 |
[J3] | Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Saija, C.: A Multimodal Sound Installation for Experiential Learning. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, vol. 13(1), pp. 39–49. Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) (2017). ISSN: 1826-6223 (print), 1971-8829 (electronic) |
[J2] | Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: Advances and Perspectives in Web Technologies for Music Representation. DigitCult - Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, vol. 1(2), pp. 1–8. Aracne editrice (2016). ISBN: 978-88-548-9609-3 ISSN: 2531-5994 |
[J1] | Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: The Sonification Space: A Reference System for Sonification Tasks. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 85, pp. 72–77. Elsevier (2016). ISSN: 1071-5819 |
Contributi in volume [1]▴top | |
[B1] | Presti, G., Mattiello, S.: 2.1.7: Bioacustica. In: Albeni, F., Nannoni, E., Sandrucci, A. (eds.) Zootecnia di precisione e tecnologie innovative in allevamento. Point Veterinaire Italie (2023). ISBN: 8899211906 |
Atti a convegno pubblicati [26]▴top | |
[P26] | Bottarelli, F., Davanzo, N., Presti, G., Avanzini, F.: DJeye: Towards an Accessible Gaze-Based Musical Interface for Quadriplegic DJs. In: Bresin, R., Falkenberg, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 117–124. SMC (2023). ISBN: 978-91-527-7372-7 |
[P25] | Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Di Bisceglie, S., Minoli, A., Mauro, D.A.: Web Applications for Automatic Audio-to-Score Synchronization with Iterative Refinement. In: Bresin, R., Falkenberg, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 154–161. SMC (2023). ISBN: 978-91-527-7372-7 |
[P24] | Bona, R., Fantini, D., Presti, G., Tiraboschi, M., Engel Alonso-Martinez, J.I., Avanzini, F.: Automatic Parameters Tuning of Late Reverberation Algorithms for Audio Augmented Reality. In: AM '22: Proceedings of the 17th International Audio Mostly Conference, pp. 36–43. Association for Computing Machinery (2022). ISBN: 978-1-4503-9701-8 |
[P23] | Rossi, C., Presti, G., Avanzini, F.: Delia: A noise-based virtual synthesizer. In: Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France), pp. 41–45. SMC (2022). ISBN: 978-2-9584126-0-9 ISSN: 2518-3672 |
[P22] | Baratè, A., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: A Collaborative Digital Audio Workstation for Young Learners. In: Cukurova, M., Gillet, D., McLaren, B.M., Rummel, N., Uhomoibhi, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022), vol. 1, pp. 458–464. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda (2022). ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3 ISSN: 2184-5026 |
[P21] | Baratè, A., Ludovico, L.A., Motola, A., Presti, G.: Augmentation of a Virtual Exhibition of Paintings Through Sonification. In: Furferi, R., Gherardini, F., Governi, L., Pelagotti, A., Seymour, K., Volpe, Y. (eds.) The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies: ICT and Digital Heritage - 3rd Florence Heri-Tech International Conference, Florence Heri-Tech 2022, Communications in Computer and Information Science
, vol. 1645, pp. 380–392. Springer (2022). ISBN: 978-303120301-5 ISSN: 1865-0929 |
[P20] | Fantini, D., Avanzini, F., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G.: HRTF Individualization Based on Anthropometric Measurements Extracted from 3D Head Meshes. In: 2021 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA), pp. 1–10. IEEE (2021). ISBN: 978-1-6654-0998-8 |
[P19] | Presti, G., Adriano, D., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Ludovico, L.A.: PhonHarp: A Hybrid Digital-Physical Musical Instrument for Mobile Phones Exploiting the Vocal Tract. In: AM'21: Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference: Sonic experiences in the era of the Internet of Sounds, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 276–279. ACM (2021). ISBN: 978-145038569-5 |
[P18] | Presti, G., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Ludovico, L.A., Mauro, D.A.: Ruffle: A User-Controllable Music Shuffling Algorithm. In: Mauro, D.A., Spagnol, S., Valle, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Sound and Music Computing Conference, pp. 207–214. SMC (2021). ISBN: 978-88-945415-4-0 ISSN: 2518-3672 |
[P17] | Bardelli, S., Ferretti, C., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Rinaldi, M.: A Sonification of the zCOSMOS Galaxy Dataset. In: Rauterberg, M. (ed.) HCII 2021: Culture and Computing. Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts, LNCS, vol. 12794, pp. 171–188. Springer, Cham, Switzerland (2021). ISBN: 978-3-030-77410-3 (print), 978-3-030-77411-0 (online) ISSN: 0302-9743 |
[P16] | Ludovico, L.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G., Cannas, S., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: CatMeows: A Publicly-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations. In: Li, X., Lokoč, J., Mezaris, V., Patras, I., Schoeffmann, K., Skopal, T., Vrochidis, S. (eds.) MultiMedia Modeling. 27th International Conference, MMM 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22–24, 2021, Proceedings, Part II, LNCS, vol. 12573, pp. 230–243. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021). ISBN: 978-3-030-67834-0 (print), 978-3-030-67835-7 (online) ISSN: 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (online) |
[P15] | Pedrini, G., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: Evaluating the Accessibility of Digital Audio Workstations for Blind or Visually Impaired People. In: Constantine, L., Helfert, M., Holzinger, A., Silva, H.P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pp. 225–232. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. (2020). ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0 ISSN: 2184-3244 |
[P14] | Baratè, A., Caccianiga, M., Caporali, E., Ludovico, L.A., Pinto, S., Presti, G., Sala, E., Testa, A.: Preserving and Promoting the Herbarium of the University of Milan through Digital Technologies. In: Proceedings of Florence HeriTech 2020, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 949, pp. 012066-1–012066-9. IOP (2020). ISSN: 1757-899X (online), 1757-8981 (print) |
[P13] | Presti, G., Ahmetovic, D., Ducci, M., Bernareggi, C., Ludovico, L.A., Baratè, A., Avanzini, F., Mascetti, S.: WatchOut: Obstacle Sonification for People with Visual Impairment or Blindness. In: Proceedings of the 21th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS'19), pp. 402–413. ACM (2019). ISBN: 978-1-4503-6676-2 |
[P12] | Curioni, V., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: A (Technologically Enhanced) Sound Education: Implementation, Experimentation and Analysis of Raymond Murray Schafer's Exercises. In: Lane, H., Uhomoibhi, J., Zvacek, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), vol. 1, pp. 473–480. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. (2019). ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4 ISSN: 2184-5026 |
[P11] | Ahmetovic, D., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Bernareggi, C., Galimberti, G., Ludovico, L.A., Mascetti, S., Presti, G.: Sonification of Rotation Instructions to Support Navigation of People with Visual Impairment. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2019), pp. 332–341 (2019). ISBN: 978-1-5386-9148-9 |
[P10] | Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Mauro, D.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G.: Quale futuro per il formato IEEE 1599?. In: Fontana, F., Gulli, A. (eds.) Machine Sounds, Sound Machines. Atti del XXII CIM - Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, Atti del Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, vol. XXII, pp. 115–121. DADI - Dip. Arti e Design Industriale. Università IUAV di Venezia (2018). ISBN: 9788890341359 ISSN: 2611-7355 |
[P9] | Bonafede, D., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: A Proposal for the Interactive Sonification of the Human Face. In: Constantine, L., Escalona, M.J., Helfert, M., Jimenez Ramirez, A., Silva, H.P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018), pp. 163–169. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. (2018). ISBN: 978-989-758-328-5 ISSN: 2184-3244 |
[P8] | Ahmetovic, D., Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Bernareggi, C., Galimberti, G., Ludovico, L.A., Mascetti, S., Presti, G.: Sonification of Pathways for People with Visual Impairments. In: Flatla, D., Hwang, F., McGrenere, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS'18), pp. 379–381. ACM, New York, USA (2018). ISBN: 978-1-4503-5650-3 |
[P7] | Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G.: Perspectives in Education for Sound and Music Computing. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on New Music Concepts (ICNMC 2018), pp. 11–27. ABEditore, Milano, Italy (2018). ISBN: 978-88-6551-278-4 |
[P6] | Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: Digitization of Analog Phonic Archives in a University Lab: A Report on a Young Apprenticeship Initiative. In: Blazquez, D., de la Poza, E., Domenech, J., Merello, P. (eds.) 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18), pp. 81–89. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València (2018). ISBN: 978-84-9048-690-0 ISSN: 2603-5871 |
[P5] | Haus, G., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G.: Automatic Annotation of Timbre Variation for Musical Instruments. In: Aramaki, M., Kronland-Martinet, R., Ystad, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, Matosinhos, Portugal, September 25-28, 2017, pp. 493–504. Les éditions de PRISM (2017). ISBN: 979-10-97498009 |
[P4] | Boccignone, G., Introini, A., Presti, G.: Audio features affected by music expressiveness: experimental setup and preliminary results on tuba players. In: Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 757–760. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016). ISBN: 978-1-4503-4069-4 |
[P3] | Haus, G., Mauro, D.A., Presti, G.: TRAP : TRAnsient Presence detection exploiting Continuous Brightness Estimation (CoBE). In: Lysaght, T., Timoney, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sound and Music Computing (SMC-15), Maynooth, Ireland, pp. 379–385. Music Technology Research Group, Department of Computer Science, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland (2015). ISBN: 978-099274662-9 |
[P2] | Haus, G., Mauro, D.A., Presti, G.: Visualization and manipulation of stereophonic audio signals by means of IID and IPD. In: Georgaki, A., Kouroupetroglou, G. (eds.) Proceedings - 40th International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2014 and 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2014 - Music Technology Meets Philosophy: From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos, pp. 1497–1502. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece (2014). ISBN: 978-960466137-4 |
[P1] | Mauro, D.A., Presti, G.: Continuous brightness estimation (CoBE) : implementation and its possible applications. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, pp. 967–974. Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille, France (2013). ISBN: 978-2-909669-23-6 ISSN: 1159-0947 |
Interventi a convegno non pubblicati [4]▴top | |
[U4] | Mattiello, S., Celozzi, S., Battini, M., Prato-Previde, E., Vena, M.V., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Ntalampiras, S.: Approccio multidisciplinare per la messa a punto di un sistema di monitoraggio continuo in allevamenti caprini da latte mediante analisi delle vocalizzazioni (VOCAPRA). In: 24° Congresso Nazionale SIPAOC, Viterbo, 22-24 febbraio 2023 (2023). |
[U3] | Celozzi, S., Vena, M.V., Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: Improving animal welfare by means of automatic monitoring of goat vocalizations: development of a bleating recognition filter. In: 3. convegno AISSA under 40: il ruolo della ricerca nel processo di transizione ecologica in agricoltura (2022). |
[U2] | Celozzi, S., Presti, G., Vena, M.V., Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Ogel, T., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: Vocalizations emitted by goats: are there any differences between bleats depending on the contexts of emission?. In: Proceedings of the 55th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology - Animal Behaviour and Beyond (2022). |
[U1] | Celozzi, S., Battini, M., Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Vena, M.V., Prato-Previde, E., Mattiello, S.: Why do goats bleat?. In: International Conference on Precision Dairy Farming (PDC2022) (2022). |
Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale | |||||
Dipartimento di Informatica Università degli Studi di Milano Via G. Celoria 18, 20133 Milano, ITALY |
Goffredo Haus, director Phone: +39 02 50316 222 E-mail: goffredo.haus@unimi.it |
Luca A. Ludovico, technical contact Phone: +39 02 50316 382 E-mail: luca.ludovico@unimi.it |
Laboratory Phone: +39 02 50316 382 E-mail: lim@di.unimi.it |