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Ph.D. Program

Doctorates (Ph.D. programs) are multi-year post-degree university courses that aim at providing graduate students an advanced training toward research activities.
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan hosts a Ph.D. school, and in this context the LIM promotes research works on sound and music computing.
More detailed information about the Ph.D. school is available at the ▸official web page.

Main research proposals

For further details, please contact ▸Goffredo Haus

Ph.D. dissertations at the LIM

XIV cycle

Ing. Dr. Emanuele Pollastri
"Processing Singing Voice for Music Retrieval"
Supervisors: Proff. Goffredo Haus and Elisa Bertino

XV cycle

Dr. Maurizio Longari
"Formal and Software Tools for a Commonly Acceptable Musical Application using the XML Language"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XVII cycle

Dr.ssa Loretta Diana
"An XML-based Querying Model for MIR Applications within a Multi-Layered Music Information Environment"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XVIII cycle

Dr. Andreja Andric
"Tools and Interfaces for Searching Private Music Collections"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XIX cycle

Ing. Dr. Luca Andrea Ludovico
"An XML Multi-layer Framework for Music Information Description"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

Dr. Giancarlo Vercellesi
"Digital Audio Processing in MP3 Compressed Domain and Evaluation of Perceived Audio Quality"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XX cycle

Dr. Alberto Pinto
"A Graph Theoretic Approach to Melodic Similarity for Music Information Retrieval"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

Dr. Paolo Tagliolato Acquaviva d'Aragona
"Algebraic Models Based on Generalized Interval Systems for Representing Music Analysis Information"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XXI cycle

Dr. Adriano Baratè
"Application of Petri Nets to the Real-Time Interaction with Music Structures"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

Dr. Antonello D'Aguanno
"A Multilayer Approach to Music Features' Extraction and Their Synchronization"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XXII cycle

Dr.ssa Elisa Russo
"Methods for Sinusoidal Analysis and Resynthesis of Musical Audio Signals"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XXIV cycle

Dr. Davide Andrea Mauro
"On Binaural Spatialization Techniques and the Use of GPGPU for Audio Processing"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XXVIII cycle

Dr. Mattia Giuseppe Bergomi
"Dynamics and Topological Tools for Music Analysis"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus
Co-supervisor: Prof. Moreno Andreatta
Co-tutorship with IRCAM (Paris, France)

Dr. Ciro Polizzi
"A New Strategy to Increase the Life Expectancy of Optical Disks. Performance Assessment with a Dedicated Experimental Setup"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus
Co-supervisor: Prof. Raffaele Guido Della Valle

XXIX cycle

Dr. Giorgio Presti
"Signal Transformations for Improving Information Representation, Source Separation and Feature Extraction"
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus

XXXII cycle

Dr. Axel Chemla Romeu Santos
Title to be defined
Supervisor: Prof. Goffredo Haus
Co-supervisor: Prof. Gerard Assayag
Co-tutorship with IRCAM (Paris, France)

In other Ph.D. schools


Dr. Giuseppe Gavazza
"De Rerum Natura: Physical Modelling as a Tool for Musical Composition"
ICA-ACROE, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble, France)
Rapporteur: Prof. Goffredo Haus

Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via G. Celoria 18, 20133 Milano, ITALY
 Google Maps
Goffredo Haus, director
Phone: +39 02 50316 222
  Luca A. Ludovico, technical contact
Phone: +39 02 50316 382
Phone: +39 02 50316 382