Standard Music Description Language (SMDL)

7 Musical Work (work) and Work Segment (workseg)

7.1 Virtual time declaration

The following declaration permits cantus es to be specified in virtual (i.e ., music) time. The axis element (see Section 8.2) may refer to it.

<!NOTATION virtime PUBLIC --Virtual Time Unit --
Virtual Measurement Unit//EN"

7.2 Declaration of Real Time as a Notation

The following declaration permits cantus es to be specified in real time. The axis element (see Section 8.2) may refer to it.

<!NOTATION SIsecond PUBLIC --Real Time --
"+//ISO/IEC 10744//NOTATION Systeme International second//EN"

7.3 Parameter entities affecting the structure of a work

7.3.1 SMDL Resour ces (SMDLrc)

The parameter entity SMDL resources (SMDLrc) lists the architectural forms of elements that can appear any where within an SMDL document. These become inclusion exceptions specified in the content model of the work element.

<!--SMDL Resources -->
<!--use: work -->
<!entity % SMDLrc --SMDL resources; things that can appear anywhere
--"batrule | rendrule | chordgam | pitchgam | mudef | meterspec |
%links; | %locs;"

7.3.2 Work Segment Content Model (m.wksg)

The parameter entity work segment content model (m.wksg ) is used to clarify that the basic structure of a music unit of work is the same regardless of whether it constitutes the entire work or a segment of an entire work.

<!--Work Segment Content Model -->
<!--use: work, workseg -->
<!entity % m.wksg
"( workseg+ | ( cantus | perform | score)*)"

7.4 Musical Work (work)

Derived from the HyTime HyDoc architectural form, the SMDL musical work (work) architectural form is the representation (or set of representations) of a single musical composition, or "piece. " A worken-compasses the entire document, and is defined as the logical misic information and all of the performances, scores, and analyses that stem from that music information.

If the work consists of a single work segment, no workseg element need be used.

<!--Work as a Whole -->
<!element work --Documentelement of SMDL documents. --
-O ( %m.wksg;) +( %SMDLrc;) >
<!attlist work
NAME work
--HyTime HyDoc attributes --
--Bounding level of HyTime bounded object set when
document is a hub; overridable at run time.
Constraint: 0=no limit; 1=root; 2 to N --
NUMBER #IMPLIED --Default: application BOS --
--Unified name space foriDs and entities --
(unified|separate) separate
--SMU to MDU ratiothat makes the MDU a common
denominator of HMUs forall schedules in all FCS
that are in a given measurement domain.
Constraint: SMU name and ratio for all of the
measurement domains used in the document.
lextype((NAME,s+,frac),(s+,NAME,s+,fra c)*). --
CDATA #FIXED "" --Default: "1 1" for each SMU --
--bibinfo attributes --

7.5 W ork Segment (workseg)

The SMDL work segment (workseg) architectural form is a major section of the work, e.g., a movement, a tableau, a musical number, etc. The order in which work segments appearin the content of a workelement is the orderin which they are intended to be performed and/or visually rendered.

Movements of a symphony should be placed in separate segments , as should acts in an opera. Any other major and subdivisions that are punctuated by an interruption in the flow of music time (as in the case of an intermission or pause between movements), or by major changes in mood, tempo, key, etc., are candidates for containment in workseg elements.

The division of a work into work segments normally expresses the composer' s intent that the work be rendered in such a way as to make the divisions clear tothe perceiver.

Each work segment can have any number of cantus elements in its content, each of which is a complete and independent representation of the work segment. The order in which the cantus elements appear is not significant for purposes of this International Standard.


Normally there is one cantus in the content of each workseg. If there is more than one, it is usually because there are different sources for the essential music information of the piece, and the sources disagree so much that it is impractical to represent them both in the same cantus element, while accounting f orthe differences by means ofossias . Needless to say, as in the case of ossias, a performer must choose which cantus to render in any given instance.

The attribute class (class) specifies the type of division or subdivision of which the work segment is an instance.

For example, "movement", "trio", or "coda". The attribute end time modifier (endmod) specifies what should happen after the last scheduled event in the cantus has been performed, in order to make perceivable the passage from this work segment to the next. If the value is "pause", there should be a pause of some perceivable length. If the value is null ( "" ), there should be no end time modification; the performer should continue immediately to the next work segment, without any special indication that the boundary between the two work segments is being crossed.

<!--Work Segment -->
<!element workseg
--segment of musical work. --
-O (%m.wksg)
<!attlist workseg
SMDL NAME workseg
--e.g. movement, section, musical number.
Default: not specified.--
CDATA "pause"
--e.g., "15 minute intermission,"
"await curtain," etc. --

7.6 Attribute List Forms Used Within a W ork

7.6.1 A uthority Attribute List Form (authorty)

The attribute authority (authorty) identifies the particular score, performance, or analysis of the piece from which its representation as a cantus, perform, or score element was derived. If the authorty attribute on a cantus element is not specified, the cantus itself is the authoritative souce. If the authorty attribute on a perform or score element is not specified, then the authority is the cantus element(s) with which it is associated.

<!--authority attributes -->
<!attlist authorty
--use: cantus, perform, score --
--reference(s) to the source document(s) or
authority(ies) from which this SMDL
representation was derived. --

7.6.2 Bibliographic Information Attribute List Form (bibinfo)

The attribute bibliographic informationbibinfo) refers to a bibinfo element (see Section 10) which sets for th the bibliographic information which should be used to catalog and/or describe the element on which the bibinfo attribute appears. If it is not defined or no value is specified for the bibinfo attribute, then the value of the bibinfo attribute of the nearest ancestor element with a one, if any , will be used.

The attribute main thematic material (themes) refers tothe main music thematic materials appearing in the element on which the themes attribute appears.

<!--Bibliographic Information Attributes -->
bibinfo --use: work, workseg, cantus, perform, score, analysis --
--references to SMDL bibliographic data elements.
May be locally overridden in cantus, perform,
score, and analysis elements. reftype(bibinfo). --
--Default: get value from
bibinfo attribute of nearest
ancestor, if any. Otherwise,
not specified. --
--pointer(s) tothe main thematic materials in content. --
IDREFS #IMPLIED --Default: not specified. --

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