Fall 1995
© IEEE Computer Society Press.

Tutorial on the MIDI Standard

Douglas Lyon
E-mail: Lyon@cse.bridgeport.edu
Phone: (203)576-4760
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Dana Building
University of Bridgeport
Bridgeport CT 06601


This tutorial is a development of excerpts from the book "Computer Recipes for Music Composition" which is being used to teach a 15 week course in computer music at the University of Bridgeport.

The programs enclosed to this tutorial are original and some of the algorithms are new. The use of stochastic petri-nets for real-time realization of Markov-chain based compositions, for example, has never been published before.

A special teacher's-edition floppy disk contains the lecture notes needed to teach a 15 week first course based on this book. In addition, this floppy contains tests and projects for students.

In short, this book provides extensive instructional support, with modifiable Lecture Transparencies, and an Instructor's Guide that includes exercise solutions and exams.

Table of Contents

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